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Fig. 8 | Journal of Analytical Science and Technology

Fig. 8

From: Material structure, properties, and dynamics through scanning transmission electron microscopy

Fig. 8

Simultaneous Z-contrast and phase images of a double-wall carbon nanotube peapod. a Incoherent Z-contrast ADF image clearly shows the locations of the single iodine atoms indicated by the arrows. b The reconstructed phase image shows the presence of fullerenes inside the nanotube. c Annotated phase image with the fullerenes labeled using dotted circles and iodine atoms labeled using cross marks based on their locations in the ADF image. It is clear that the iodine atoms are located close to but outside the fullerenes. For comparison, conventional phase-contrast images including BF, ABF, DPC, and the DPC using the center of mass approach were synthesized from the data and shown in d – h , respectively. The detector area of each imaging method is shown in white color in d – g . The experiment was performed at an electron probe current of ~ 2.8 pA, pixel dwell time of 0.25 ms and a dose of ~ 1.3 10 4 e Å −2 . Scale bar, 1 nm; the gray scale of the phase in b is in units of radians reproduced from Rutte et al. 2016

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